There's a new kind of energy in town to advance the transition to an energy-abundant, 低碳未来.
When it comes to landing corporate developments, Houston is among the top destinations in the country.
就增长和稳定而言,大休斯顿房地产市场在全国大都市地区中名列前茅, according to a recent report by SmartAsset.
The region contains all the ingredients for a clean hydrogen market — clean power access, electricity-guzzling industries, 以及现有的生产和管道网络——其规模足以使休斯顿成为横跨德克萨斯州和美国的“全球清洁氢中心的中心”.S. Gulf Coast, the Center for Houston’s Future laid out in a report released May 23.
As the "energy capital of the world," Houston's overall employment is significantly impacted by the energy industry. 新的研究揭示了如果休斯顿不向皇冠HGA010官方下载转型,成为未来的皇冠HGA010官方下载之都,休斯顿的经济将受到怎样的影响.
在过去的一年里,随着公司扩大在该地区的皇冠HGA010官方下载并计划新的太阳能项目,休斯顿地区的皇冠HGA010官方下载转型加速了, 风, hydrogen and carbon capture technologies.
The flurry of activity can be attributed to the region's place as the center of the U.S. 皇冠HGA010官方下载工业和现有的运输、提炼和储存皇冠HGA010官方下载的基础设施. 但2022年的《皇冠HGA010官方下载》及其为清洁皇冠HGA010官方下载项目创造的激励措施也起到了推动作用.
埃克森美孚公司. 该公司将把公司总部从达拉斯郊区迁至休斯顿地区,并将其化工和炼油部门合并,进行旨在降低成本的重大重组.
Houston is using their assets and sharing that expertise to attract more development. 第二个目的是通过将这个开发项目与市中心连接起来,减少交通繁忙的地铁,使其更适合步行.
You want live music? 去看世界级的休斯顿大歌剧院、琼斯音乐厅的交响乐和高地歌剧院怎么样? 如果你更喜欢奥斯汀的感觉——一个邋遢的家伙用原声吉他唱着绿洲乐队的翻唱, for example—may I suggest Hopdoddy Burger Bar in Rice Village? 此外, Houston can claim genres of music almost totally lacking in Austin—think DJ Screw, or Paul Wall and the Southern rap spawned by Swisha House. 此外,碧昂丝.
Houston remains the energy capital of the country, 但穆迪分析公司的一份新报告显示,河口城已经实现了产业组合的多元化,不再仅仅依赖石油和天然气.
Chevron isn’t requiring employees to move to Texas, 但该公司提供员工搬迁费用的提议再次表明,休斯顿是这家石油巨头的主要运营中心.