The Greater Houston Partnership values and respects the privacy of our member companies, 他们的员工, Hga010皇冠软件下载的前景, 游客, 员工和客户. We recognize the importance of protecting 个人ly identifiable information or sensitive business information that you may share with us. 最后更新2015年2月2日.
You may submit or be asked to provide certain company information or 个人ly identifiable information to us when you:
在大多数情况下, the Partnership collects only basic information needed to: (1) complete your membership application, (2)登记参加某项活动, (3)完成交易, (4) list your company in one of our directories or other products or (5) consider you for employment. 这些信息可能包括您的姓名, title, 公司通讯地址, 物理地址, 电话号码, 传真号码, 电子邮件地址, 皇冠HGA010官方下载描述, number of employees or other ranking that might indicate the size of your business, names and similar information about other key executives, 你们的国际皇冠HGA010官方下载范围, and whether your firm may be owned by a foreign company or have foreign subsidiaries.
The Partnership also may collect financial information, 比如银行或信用卡信息, 当您购买产品或注册活动时. If you are concerned about providing such information, please contact us at or call our Information Services desk at 713-844-3600 for assistance.
We use information you and/or your company provide to 个人ize your service; to better understand your needs as a member; to broaden our relationship with you and your company; to develop and market products and services that may be of interest to you; to collect data needed to analyze business trends in the Houston market; to publish and distribute our business directories, 时事通讯 and other products; to promote the Greater Houston region by providing accurate data on industries and resources; to develop educational programs; to respond to inquiries from the 新闻 media; and to assist other agencies and organizations in strengthening the Houston business community and its worldwide connections. Hga010皇冠软件下载与其他公司共享Hga010皇冠软件下载的信息, agencies and organizations subject to applicable laws and the “opt-out” provisions of this policy.
The Partnership makes every effort to ensure that your 个人 information and that of your company is accurate and current. Every company in our database is surveyed at least once each year.
The information we collect is focused on companies because our mission and our membership base are business-oriented. However, we do maintain records of individuals, with information about their company affiliations. If you are receiving communications from the Partnership, then we maintain a 个人 record for you with name, title, 雇主和皇冠HGA010官方下载联系信息. You may update certain information via our Web site by logging in.
Once you have logged in, you'll be routed to our Members-Only section. 从顶部菜单中选择“帐户信息”. If you've changed companies, please select "Unlink Company" and enter your new company. 如果你需要帮助更新你的公司, please contact our Research Department at 713-844-3618 or e邮件:
If you do not wish the Partnership to use information you or your company may provide, 你应该保留那个信息. Hga010皇冠软件下载不会发表 个人 传真号码s or 电子邮件地址es, but we will make your 公司的 电子邮件地址 and 传真号码 available in our directories and other products unless you ask in writing that they be withheld.
To withdraw a company 传真号码 we may already have on record, please contact our Research Department at 713-844-3618. Only authorized company representatives may request this change.
To opt out of receiving e邮件 messages from the Partnership about products and services that may be of interest to you or to prevent publication of your 电子邮件地址 or its release to other parties, 请使用 退订 form. We will make every effort to block your 电子邮件地址 from future messages within the time required by law.
请 be aware that you will be removed from all Partnership e邮件 列表 and may not receive items you might wish to receive, 比如重大事件的公告, 邀请参加Hga010皇冠软件下载的委员会, 委员会会议通知, 时事通讯, 工作坊及研讨会机会, requests to update your business information in our directories, 定期经济数据, membership information or notices of new resources and opportunities for Houston businesses.
因为你会错过很多机会, we hope you will choose not to opt out of receiving information from the Partnership 通过电子邮件. Due to computer system limitations at present, we can offer only this "all or nothing" option.
如果您选择此选项, please be aware that the Partnership has no means of preventing other parties that may have legitimately obtained your information previously from continuing its use in 传真, 电子邮件, 电话征集或其他出版物. We cannot be responsible for continued use by other parties. You should contact those parties directly to request that they discontinue use of your information.
The Partnership does not discuss or disclose information about: (1) pending economic development projects, (二)未决诉讼或者预期诉讼, (3) the private activities of our volunteers or staff that are unrelated to Partnership business and (4) items about which confidentiality is required by law, 法院命令或合约.
电子邮件, 传真, 邮件, the Internet and other means of communication are never 100 percent secure by nature. We cannot guarantee that your private communications or other 个人ly identifiable information will never be disclosed to third parties. For example, we may be forced to disclose information to the government under certain circumstances. Or, a third party might unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications. 另外, we may (and you authorize us to) disclose your 个人ly identifiable information to private entities, 法院, law enforcement or other government officials as necessary or appropriate. Hga010皇冠软件下载不承诺, 你不应该期望, that your 个人ly identifiable information or private communications will always remain private under all circumstances.
The Partnership may use a computer application called a "cookie" to better understand how to improve the experience of visiting Partnership Web sites. "Cookies" are identifiers that a website can send to a user's computer browser to facilitate the user's next visit to that Web site. This enables our websites to identify you as a member or nonmember when you enter the sites and offer you the appropriate prices or provide you access to areas that may be restricted to Partnership members only. 也, the Partnership tracks the Internet addresses from which 游客 enter our site and uses this data to analyze the success and outreach of our programs and services.
We use industry-standard techniques and applications to safeguard the confidentiality of your 个人ly identifiable or company information, 例如防火墙, private servers and secure socket layers where appropriate. We maintain other procedural, electronic and physical safeguards to guard your nonpublic information. Our practices comply with applicable state and federal regulations. Our Business Survey update procedures require your knowledge of a confidential code to gain access, which prevents other users from being able to review or alter your company’s information without your knowledge.
This policy only addresses Partnership business activities and Partnership use of information you may provide. Other third parties and/or Web sites (including those we link to or which we co-brand) may have their own policies, which we do not control and cannot be held responsible for, 因此不受这一政策的约束.
The Partnership has no control over and will not be held responsible for the actions of other parties that may purchase or otherwise obtain Partnership directories, 数据库, 列表, labels or other products that may contain information you provide.
This policy may be updated or altered from time to time, 不管有没有事先通知你, and your continued membership or use of our Web site or other products and services constitutes your agreement with its terms and conditions.
If you have any questions regarding our policy, please contact the Partnership at 或拨打713-844-3600.